Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012


SMAN 1 DRIYOREJO has some Laboratorium  anything is Language Laboratorium. Languaga Laboratorium position in between BP room and SPP Locket. The laboratorium usually using  for
 observe attentively or listening something about story and song that operate is Language teacher.
        In outside be found shoes rack. The Laboratorium enough wide. Inside be found 44 seats and 44 headphones for students. In front of be found operator  table for teacher or overseer. There are be found radio, small Television, and VCD. The Laboratorium is white board, cupboard along with flower vase on top. In the cupboard is Tape, coper, and complete cassette. The Beside is tempat sampah. The Laboratorium is also 5 fan, Television 21inch, and 4 clock.
        I think facility in Laboratorium complete enough. The moment lesson , we feel comfortable.

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